Monday, February 27, 2012

Departing in 32 hours!

Hello everyone! This will be my blog during my 27-month stint with the Peace Corps in Madagascar. For those of you who are still confused about what exactly I will be doing there, do not fear - so am I! My assignment is in Small Enterprise Development, and specifically small business advising, and I find out my exact duties about a month into training.

A brief schedule of events for the next month or so is as follows. I am currently in Washington, DC for staging, which begins in approximately two hours. Tomorrow, my flight departs at 5:40 from Dulles airport and we arrive in Antananarivo, Madagascar at 2pm on Thursday after a layover in Johannesburg. The first few months in country are filled with hours of language, technical, and cultural training before I am transported to my actual site. I hope to have internet within the first few weeks of my arrival to let everyone know how I am doing. Until then, be well!

That's all for now, just wanted to get this thing up and running. Miss you all already and wish me luck!


  1. Emma,
    I'm sorry I didn't get to personally wish you a Bon Voyage. Have a great safe trip and write as much as you can. You're going to have a great experience!

  2. Much joy to you in this new endeavor. Glad we'll be able to keep in touch through this blog. And how about your new first cousin once removed? Go Davis Lily!!!

    Love, Granny

  3. Safe travels Emma. I look forward to hearing your adventures.


  4. Good Luck & we look forward to hearing about your adventures!..........Uncle Mike & Aunt Jo

  5. the name of your blog! It's perfect. Just wondering when the pound sign became hash tag? xoxo Aunt Judy
