Hello everyone! This will be my blog during my 27-month stint with the Peace Corps in Madagascar. For those of you who are still confused about what exactly I will be doing there, do not fear - so am I! My assignment is in Small Enterprise Development, and specifically small business advising, and I find out my exact duties about a month into training.
A brief schedule of events for the next month or so is as follows. I am currently in Washington, DC for staging, which begins in approximately two hours. Tomorrow, my flight departs at 5:40 from Dulles airport and we arrive in Antananarivo, Madagascar at 2pm on Thursday after a layover in Johannesburg. The first few months in country are filled with hours of language, technical, and cultural training before I am transported to my actual site. I hope to have internet within the first few weeks of my arrival to let everyone know how I am doing. Until then, be well!
That's all for now, just wanted to get this thing up and running. Miss you all already and wish me luck!